How long does it take to drive through Yellowstone National Park?

The time it takes to drive through Yellowstone National Park can vary depending on several factors such as the season, road conditions, and traffic. The park is quite large, covering an area of over 2 million acres, and has a figure-eight road system with five main entrances.

Assuming that you drive without stopping to enjoy the park's natural features or see wildlife, here is a rough estimate of the time it takes to drive through Yellowstone:

  • The figure-eight road system is about 142 miles long, and it can take approximately 4-7 hours to complete depending on traffic and road conditions.

  • The speed limit on park roads is typically between 25-45 mph, so you will need to factor in additional time for slow-moving traffic, construction zones, and wildlife crossings.

However, it's important to note that Yellowstone is not just a park to be driven through quickly. The park is renowned for its natural beauty, geothermal features, and wildlife, and there are many pullouts, trails, and attractions to explore. Visitors are encouraged to take their time, stop at the various viewpoints and attractions, and explore the park on foot or bike. It's recommended to plan at least two to three days to fully experience the park's highlights.
